Team Meetings

We have a recurring system of communication that facilitates exchanging project updates and providing visibility to the entire team, which ensures smooth functioning and productivity.

Pod Meetings

Based on the nature of the projects, Project Managers with their respective teams are clustered into Pods.

Pods fall mainly into two categories:

  1. Mixed projects, such as a retainer, internal and fixed bid projects
  2. Staff Augmentation projects

Each pod has bi-weekly meetings to discuss ongoing project work, progress updates, and any client updates that need to be shared. The purpose of these pod meetings is to share team updates and ensure everyone is on the same page.

With new client projects, the pod meetings happen on a weekly basis to ensure the work is progressing well. The frequency of the pod meetings changes on the basis of the project requirements and is decided by the respective pod teams.

Engineering Meets

A monthly meet, where all the Engineering Team gets together to discuss work done over the month. The agenda and meeting schedules are initiated by the Engineering Managers, with suggestions received from the team.

These Engineering Meets serve as an open forum of discussion to share ideas and collaboratively improve upon their work.