1Password – Setup & Usage

1Password remembers all your passwords for you. All your other passwords and important information are protected by your Master Password, which only the systems team will have access to. We offer 1password account to all rtCampers.

1password is a Password Manager that helps you to manage all your credentials. If you would like to learn more about 1password, click here.

Setting up

You will receive a 1password invite in your email. If you haven’t, you can either seek assistance through #help on Slack or raise a Helpdesk Ticket.

You need to download the Desktop and Mobile apps of 1password. Also, get its browser extension.

Once you sign in to the first device, from the second device onwards, it will ask you for a “secret key”. Using the rtCamp.com email address one can join the account using the secret link.

How to use 1Password

In order to get started with 1password, check out this excellent support article they’ve written. Here you will learn how to use 1password to save, fill and change passwords. You can use 1password itself for 2FA. No need to use other apps like Authy or Google Authenticator.

Using Vaults

After signing in to 1password, on the left side you’ll see vaults. We use vaults to group similar credentials.

For example, all credentials related to the marketing team will be in one vault, and all credentials related to the systems team will be in another vault.

You can put your own credentials in a “private” vault. This vault will be accessible only by you, nobody else.

Credentials that will be commonly used by everyone will be in a “shared” vault. Generally, you will only have read access to the shared and team vault. If you want to put any credentials in them, feel free to get in touch with your manager and they will guide you.