Configuring Github 2FA

A lot of our work gets done on the rtCamp internal GitHub repo.

  • While not all rtCampers need access to the org group, it’s good practice to create a GitHub profile if you have not already.
  • Please ensure the signup is from a personal email. GitHub is used for both public and private code repos and you might want to access your account even after leaving rtCamp.

Getting your account 2FA ready

  • Enable 2 – Factor Authentication on your account.

Only if your account has 2FA enabled will you be able to join rtCamp GitHub Org.

Asking for access

rtCamp’s GitHub Org if not added already, please go ahead and visit #help on Slack and let the @sys team know about needing access to the GitHub Org for rtCamp.

You can also confirm in the message that your GitHub account has 2FA enabled.

They will be able to add you only if 2FA is enabled on your GitHub profile.